Unbeatable Price Guarantee

We promise to offer the best prices on our books and guarantee you will not get a better price anywhere in Canada.

In case any bookstore offers the same books at lower prices (i.e. total price including shipping cost), we'll not only match their price but give you an additional discount so that our price is even lower than the price match.

10% additional discount for Orders up to $200
5% additional discount for Orders above $200 with a maximum of $100 additional discount per order.

Please contact us to request a price match.

You just need to name the items you want to price match and provide a proof of competitor's price from their current ad, website or an official quotation from them.

What's more, if you have already ordered from us and find a better price within 10 days, we will still stand by our price guarantee and give you the additional discount in the form of a gift card.

So shop without hesitation and with comfort that you are getting the best deal at Al Barakah Books.



The following conditions apply:

  • The products must be identical to competitor's products (including identical edition and format) and in new condition. We do not price match against second-hand / used books.
  • The price match must be against an advertised or quoted price from a retailer or wholesaler based in Canada. You cannot price match against an offering from an individual.
  • Our Price Match Guarantee is applicable only on the total price of the books including shipping & handling charges vs the total price of the books from a competitor including shipping & handling charges.
  • Our Price Match Guarantee does not cover books sold by individuals or retailers on Amazon, eBay, Kijiji or books shipped from or sold by third-party sellers on similar websites. We match only against Canadian bookstores (including their online prices).
  • We have the right to exclude any competitor or deal from the price match guarantee.
  • If the item is out of stock with a competitor or the competitor has advertised as limited quantities of an item, it is not eligible for price matching.
  • Our Price Match Guarantee does not cover: bundle offers, items included in bundle offers, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, coupon offers, items that are advertised as limited quantity, out of stock items, clearance items, open-box items, refurbished items, pre-owned items.
  • Our Price Match Guarantee does not apply to: items purchased through shipping credit program or redeemed points, items purchased more than 10 days ago.
  • Price Match does not apply to expired ads or pricing.

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