I Love Arabic Teacher's Book - Level JK - أحب العربية كتاب المعلم
I Love Arabic Teacher's Book - Level JK - أحب العربية كتاب المعلم
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The teacher book, student textbook and workbook for this work are
each uniquely designed. The teacher book is aimed at helping the teacher
confidently perform his/her duties with the students. It aims at
achieving the goals laid out and facilitates the teacher's work. The
book is divided into two parts:A- The Teacher Book and the Student Textbook:This is a guide for the student textbook (not the workbook), and contains the following:
The desired goals of the activities
Reading letters and words, and writing them
The means and methods used for activities
How to perform the activities: it gives a detailed demonstration of
the steps the teacher should follow to carry out the activities
B- The Teacher Book and the Workbook:This is a guide for the workbook, and it contains the following:
The desired goals of the activities
The means and methods used in activities
How to perform the activities: it gives a detailed demonstration of
the steps the teacher should follow to carry out the activities
In addition, the teacher book also includes:
An assortment of additional activities
General guidelines for the teacher
An index of words used within the student textbook
An index of expressions used within the student textbook
Teaches Arabic as a primary language
Arabic only
Uses vowelled letters (diactrical marks, or tashkeel)
Textbooks focus: listening, writing, reading, and speaking
Workbooks focus: exercises and games that support the textbook
Evaluations follow every 5 lessons
Exposes students to common terminology
Illustrated dictionary plus vocabulary list
Ideal for Western students; themes are heavily cultural, not necessarily Islamic.
A comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in full-time Islamic and public schools

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