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I Love Arabic Workbook - Level SK - أحب العربية كتاب النشاط - التمهيدي

I Love Arabic Workbook - Level SK - أحب العربية كتاب النشاط - التمهيدي

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The activity book expands on the student's book and reinforces acquired skills and linguistic structures. Each of the lessons in the student's book has 3 accompanying pages in the activity book. Students can work on the activities in class with a teacher’s help and can complete them at home. Teachers should collect books from students after each lesson to correct them.

For this series, the workbook and textbook complete each other to create an enriching learning experience. The workbook consists of 64 different activities. After completing every two lessons in the textbook, the child moves on to the workbook to do two exercises, and so on.The workbook contains many exercises and activities, including:
Coloring circles that have the same letter with a single color.

Coloring circles that have the same number with a single color.

Coloring triangles that have the same letter with a single color.

Coloring the same letters with a single color.

Coloring the same numbers with a single color.

Matching between the same letters.

Matching between small and large letters.

Coloring circles that have the same word with a single color.

Coloring triangles that have the same word with a single color.

Coloring the same words with a single color.

Matching between the same words.

Matching between small and large words.

Putting dots on the appropriate letters.

Tracing over dotted characters to complete words, numbers and shapes.

Drawing letters.

Matching between numbers and pictures.

Rewriting and coloring.

Writing letters.

Drawing and coloring.

Drawing figures in specified boxes.

Teaches Arabic as a primary language
Arabic only
Uses vowelled letters (diactrical marks, or tashkeel)
Textbooks focus: listening, writing, reading, and speaking
Workbooks focus: exercises and games that support the textbook
Evaluations follow every 5 lessons
Exposes students to common terminology
Illustrated dictionary plus vocabulary list
Ideal for Western students; themes are heavily cultural, not necessarily Islamic.
A comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in full-time Islamic and public schools

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